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Conventions and Connections - August Newsletter

August 2024 Newsletter

Hello Questers!

The 8ft tall skeleton looks down at you with eyeless sockets as it slowly hands you an aged scroll cracking with lightning, sealed with a wax of deepest purple. What do you do?

This month we have been running on a skeleton crew as we take our summer vacations, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working our Icelandic socks and hats off!


Oh my, have we been on an adventure this month or what? Character Sheet Templates are finally here! July 5th saw the launch of Character Sheet Templates - a feature that allows you to create a template using our Universal Character Sheet, and to share that template with your gaming group, your friends and even other Quest Portal users. As an added awesome feature, you can now set a template for your campaign, ensuring that any new characters have that character sheet as a starting point!

This is such a step up with respect to supporting all sorts of TTRPG systems, as well as reducing prep time for GMs and players. Here’s a link to Gummi announcing our new feature!

To find Templates for yourself, go to your character vault and click the new Templates Tab. There you will find all the featured templates, templates shared with you and where you can also create your own! (Coming very soon to mobile!)

Try our Featured Templates here

If you want your template to be considered as a Featured Template and shared with the community in next month’s newsletter, send an email to support@questportal.com or let us know on our Discord.

Gen Con 1st-4th August

If you’re going, we’ll see you at Gen Con! You can meet Gunnar and Gummi, our CEO and CFO/COO respectively, walking around Gen Con, representing the good word of Quest Portal.

If you’re in the area, see if you can spot them and get some sweet, sweet Quest Portal Dice!

Mobile Updates

The mobile developers have been smashing out Quality of Life updates for Mobile - including fixing a few notable issues.

You might have noticed steppers for Sanity, HP and Luck on Enhanced Call of Cthulhu Character Sheet, solving a problem where sometimes changes don’t save.

There’s been some polishing with table responsiveness, and button visuals now being consistent.

And we’ve fixed an issue where you had to click once to close the keyboard and again to pick a system in the new system selector.

There’s a few more noticeable updates coming this month, so keep that app updated!

3 Tips and Tricks for Notes:

  1. You can add a widget into the cell of a table by typing / and selecting your widget of choice!
  2. You can edit Slots to show half slots (looking at you expertise).
  3. [ ] will create a Task or to do list - great for Quest Logs or planning heists!

Meaningful Connections

Your players have done the unthinkable: They've created a backstory for their characters and done their best to link them to your world.

How do you go about creating connections between those characters?

The answer to this question, and a guide to using Notes in tandem with the AI Assistant, is answered in this great guide written by Gummi.

Read all about it here: “Creating meaningful connections between player characters”. Something all good GMs (and yes, even players) can learn a few tips and tricks from!

To use the AI Notes and Assistant, sign up for a 7 day free Pro trial today!


The Quest Portal Library has been busy acquiring new books for everyone to read too:

Affiliate - Early Access Program

Are you a content creator? Do you enjoy Quest Portal and would like to earn a little extra if you talk about us? Are you open to giving us constructive feedback about an early access program?

If the answer is yes, then you might be a good fit for our Early Access Affiliate program. All the information, Terms & Conditions and sign up form for can be found here: https://www.questportal.com/blog/affiliate

Community Spotlight

Before we leave, we want to share with you the creative endeavors of our community: K.J. Montgomery of Watch Well Games has a lovely newsletter - with the goal to promote and grow a positive, healthy community around ttrpg resources. Issue 31 contained a fantastic interview with our CEO Gunnar.

Read the interview here, and while you’re there, go subscribe!


Be mindful as you enter the masquerade ball, and may your persuasion checks always be an Extreme Success.
The Quest Portal Team