Delta Green Agent

Character sheet for Delta Green

Arc Dream Publishing
Dennis Detwiller
Adam Scott Glancy
John Tynes
Delta Green
Horror Covert Ops Mythos BRP
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The Covert Ops That Keep Nightmares at Bay

Delta Green is a mix between an eldritch horror game, the X Files, Supernatural and SCPs. Dark, mysterious, unknowable, Delta Green offers players the chance to play Federal Agents in a world that is filled with intrigue and horror. With a more serious leaning, it works well with groups that love struggling against the odds as lethal missions and the mental toll of a grim job are a part of the experience. Using the Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine as a basis, Delta Green is an intriguing setting for lovers of eldritch unknowable threats that severely outscale your agents. And speaking of agents... Agent! Snap to it. Read your dossiers and prepare yourself. Your mission is to enter Quest Portal and create a Character Sheet that reflects who you are. Think about what you’re up against, but not too much you don’t want to lose it. Requisition yourself a copy of the Delta Green Template, think about who you want to bring on to your team and ensure they follow procedure to begin your mission. It’s up to you. You’re a part of a prestigious organization, albeit one that will never gain recognition or have it’s moment in the sun, but like any good job, if done well, no one should know you’ve done it. Your bureau, your country, your world, we thank you for your service. Get to it Agent!

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Keep track of health, spells or just about any other resource you need, marking them off as you use them.



Flexible tool for organizing and presenting diverse information. Useful for stats, items, equipment, and more.

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