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Nov 22, 2023 · 7 min read
Character Sheets
character sheets

Character sheets are where information about your character is stored. Character's stats, backstory and more are a part of the sheet.
At the heart of these sheets lies our powerful Notes editor that allows you to create elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, checkboxes, tables, roll buttons and more.
Like within Notes, the floating bar Notes editor is the same within a Character Sheet, which allows you to create the following elements in your character sheet:
- Headings level 1, 2, 3
- Paragraphs
- Tables
- Checkboxes
- Lists
- Dividers
- Callout box
- Roll buttons
- Points widgets
- Slots widgets
Additionally, you can format the text by applying bolding, italics and more.
Character Sheets can also make use of @Tab Types and Options as well as adding multiple tabs by using the + next to the tabs at the top of the note.
You can also use our handy AI Notes feature to assist you in creating a character sheet and populating it with information.
Where to start
You can start creating a character in four places:
- From the home screen > Click Create A Character.
- From your Character Vault > Character Tab. Click the New Character button
- From your Character Vault > Template Tab. Use the three dot menu on the Template card, or go into the Template and click Create a Character
- From a Campaign > Sheets Tab > Plus Icon or Create a Character.
Create a Character Sheet
In Quest Portal, you create a Character Sheets from templates. When creating a character from the home screen, within the Character Tab of the Character Vault or a Campaign without a Template selected, you will be able to choose from Templates that you have access to. This includes:
- a Custom System Sheet;
- one of our Featured Templates;
- your own Templates;
- or from a Template shared with you.
You can filter the sheets you have access to by system from the drop down menu.

If creating a Character Sheet from the Templates Tab or a Campaign with a set Template, you will create a character sheet using the chosen template.
Once your character has been created, you can edit and modify the character sheet completely, including adding text, or adding and deleting all premade aspects.

Adding a Character to a Campaign
If you create a character sheet from inside a campaign, it will automatically be added to the campaign.
All characters, regardless of where they were created from, will be added to the Character Vault. In the Character Tab, find the the character you want added to a campaign, click the three dot menu and choose Add to Campaign. You will then be able to choose which of the Campaigns you are a part of to add the character to.
Enhanced Call of Cthulhu sheets
Quest Portal has full support for the 7th edition of Call of Cthulhu. This means the characters sheets are styled and laid out to support playing this system. You will notice the main difference being the locked UI and layouts of the first three tabs; but all other tabs work as Standard Tabs.

On the Call of Cthulhu character sheet you can click on abilities, skills and many more to roll our 3D dice. The roll results are then shown in a roll announcement, the chat and the degree of success/failure is shown.
For a more detailed insight into the Call of Cthulhu character sheets, checkout our overview this handy Youtube tutorial on Call of Cthulhu character sheets.
Character Sheet Statuses
As a GM, you have the ability to set permissions for a character that you are the owner of in your campaign:
You can use the three dots on the card in the campaign lobby, or the three dots in the upper right to toggle the following:
Claimable: This shows the sheet to the players, and allows a player to claim this character as their own. The action creates a duplicate in their character vault, and takes a duplicated copy as their own in the campaign. The action leaves the original still owned by you as claimable (and in your own character vault) for any other player.
Show to players: The default for a GM created character in a campaign is hidden (and thusly unclaimable). This option shows the sheet to the players.
To toggle, click on the dot and it will shift left or right. when the option is green, it is toggled on.
An example of the four statuses of a character sheet in a campaign:

If a sheet is hidden from the players, it will have the Hidden icon on the Avatar image.
Tab Types and Options
Character Sheets benefit from our tabs, as a method to collate similar character sheet items together, create most used information pages or even hide your backstories and secrets.
There are two types of Tabs: Standard and Enhanced.
Type: Enhanced
An Enhanced Tab has additional features, such as game system specific roll announcements, points widgets and weapons collections. Unlike Standard Tabs, they cannot be deleted as the deletion of the tab would remove these game system specialized features.
This tab type is currently only available on the Call of Cthulhu 7e Template sheets.
Type: Standard Tabs
Standard Tabs operate similar to Notes, with the same access to Notes features and Formatting Shortcuts. Standard Tabs are blank and system free.
Option: Hidden Tab
Hide your loot and hide your backstory secrets with Hidden Tabs
When a tab is created, the default is that the contents of the tab is viewable by everyone, but only editable by the owner.
The three dot menu in the tab label allows for a tab to be made hidden. The tab's contents, results of any roll buttons, and it's existence is then only viewable by the owner and the GM (if separate people).
Here is an example of the three viewing states for tabs:

The tab is viewable by all - no icon.
The tab is hidden and being viewed - yellow eye icon with a diagonal strike.
The tab is hidden and not being view - grey eye icon with a diagonal strike.
It can also be a place for GM and Player to communicate secretly via text (which can be done by both at the same time in the same hidden tab), as well as a great place to drop handout images that are meant only for that player's eyes.