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Jan 15, 2025 · 2 min read
Session Stories

When we play a long campaign in our beloved fictional settings, we often need a handy recap of what happened last time, or in a one shot, a sweet reminder of the fun that was had. Quest Portal offers Session Stories to help with those recaps and reminders!
Session Stories
After each session, Quest Portal automatically creates a log of what happened in that session, who attended, and more. A special folder called Session Stories is created within Campaign Notes, and all Session Story logs will be saved there with the date of your game.
Each Session Story includes images of the characters that were active in the session. Additionally, you can see the active scenes, including fog of War and Tokens.
Below the images, you’ll find the actual log. It includes general campaign information, as well as information about when the session happened, how long it was, and who attended.
Then there’s the scene log, which contains information about what scenes were shown, how long you spent on them, and the key activities performed.

When do Session stories get created?
After the last person leaves a session, Quest Portal starts generating the story. It usually takes a few minutes to process everything. When the story is ready, you and your group will get a notification in the web app and an email with most of the story information.
Can Session stories be turned off?
Yes! Game Masters can turn them off in campaign settings.
You can also keep them on, but drag the Session Story folder to your private notes section. That way, you can keep getting them, but limit your players' access to them.
Sharing Session Stories
The notification email contains a link to the note, which can be shared wherever you wish to share them - friends, social media, and to the rest of the group to build hype for the next session. You can also save the images generated and share those too.
Is there a walkthrough?
Absolutely! You can read and watch all about Sessions Stories on our Youtube or blog page.