Mythcraft SRD

About this source

MythCraft is a new TTRPG Universe and System developed by QuasiReal Publishing in 2023. MythCraft offers an expansive and customizable system for the fantastical adventures at your table. There are 13 separate Classes, 14 unique Lineages, 23 individual Backgrounds and Occupations, and so, so many Talent Points and Spells. That means thousands of unique mechanical builds available in the base game! MythCraft is approachable for new players but is packed to the brim with the complexity that players crave.

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An Epic Roleplaying Saga

MythCraft is a new TTRPG universe and game system featuring complex character creation, rich combat, and a huge eon-spanning universe. It is a d20-based system that will feel familiar to experienced role-players and exciting to first-timers. Combat utilizes an Action Point system that seamlessly blends tactical gameplay with a rich narrative experience. MythCraft offers a “medium crunch” experience: it is very customizable and character creation is a detailed process, but you won’t need a calculator and spreadsheets to play it. There are 13 separate Classes, 14 unique Lineages, 23 individual Backgrounds and Occupations, and so, so many Talent Points and Spells. That means thousands of unique mechanical builds available in the base game! MythCraft is approachable for new players but is packed to the brim with the complexity that players crave. Take advantage of the massive, comprehensive SRD available on their site and in our Library, one that covers every class, lineage, background and occupation. Dive into the incredible universe that the team at QuasiReal Publishing has created from their passion of roleplaying and story telling. Start your Mythcraft journey by using our fillable Mythcraft character sheet template to create your adventurer. MythCraft is completely free, including its comprehensive world lore and its wealth of characters, creatures and factions. Join them today with the Mythcraft fillable character sheet!

Build your own Character Sheets

Can't find a premade Character Sheet? Are you playing or developing an indie TTRPG? With shareable Character Sheet templates on Quest Portal, you can easily customize every detail with custom widgets, roll buttons, tables and more.

Roll buttons

Roll buttons

Create roll buttons effortlessly—just type your formula in double brackets and click to roll beautiful 3D dice.



Monitor health and other values easily. Set max points, adjust current points and track progress visually.



Keep track of health, spells or just about any other resource you need, marking them off as you use them.



Flexible tool for organizing and presenting diverse information. Useful for stats, items, equipment, and more.

Share with friends

Share with friends

Share your unique Character Sheets with friends via a link, allowing them to duplicate for their own Characters.

Collaborative editing

Collaborative editing

Collaborate in real-time. Multiple players can edit the same sheet simultaneously and see each other's changes live.

Join the adventure

Quickly create a campaign, invite you friends and start playing right away with hundreds of scenes, maps and sounds at your fingertips.