Mar 5, 2025
Catch Up Changelog

Catch Up Changelog showing Roll Announcement updates with new options and labels added to Tokens
Hello Questers!
A changelog and update in the middle of the week? What kind of madness is this?
We have been incredibly busy over the last couple of weeks - making features, working on our secret projects and attending trade shows in the USA... Let me catch you up
Game Manufactures Association - three of us attended GAMA in Kentucky last week, where we met old friends and reached out to make new ones. As such, last week was a little quiet on the support/changelog front, but in our absence, the Dev team were absolutely crushing it by…
Getting us nominated for the Icelandic Web Awards for 2024 (Íslensku vefverðlaunin 2024)! Including App of the year, AI of the year and Website small company. We get the results on the 21st of March, which will be attended by many of our Reykjavík office. Considering how far we’ve come this year, it’s a set of nominations well deserved by the team. Wish us luck for the event!
Plus, Notes, Tokens and the Dice Roller got solid updates while we were away too.
Notes - Images can now be stacked! Finally, more than one image in a row! The BEST way to do this, is using the floating menu, picture option, and then selecting multiple images for upload. This puts them all into a single row. You can put images into the middle of a line by dragging images, copy and pasting them or using the floating bar.
Tokens - Clicking on a Token now reveals an input box in the Token Menu to add a label. Finally - we have gotten exactly what we have been asking for - a way to label each member in a pack of wolves. We need to send an extra big thank you the Devs way, because not only did they crack this long asked for feature, but if you open a character sheet you can drag a token from your avatar image into the scene. Mwuah.
On a Roll here…BIG news, the critical success, is Dice Colors - and how the roll announcements are now handled. Check this out:/roll 8d20#yellow [Sunflower] +1d20 #blue[chaos]This will roll 8 yellow d20’s and 1 blue d20. The roll announcement will not only show the total value of the 9 dice, but ALSO display the 8 individual yellow results called Sunflower in one row, and the 1 blue result called chaos in another row. This such a game changer, and will hopefully be able to help us support games that have Dice Pools. Give it a go, and let us know how it works out!
A little tutorial:
- #color[Name] ← add that string after a dice instruction/formula to color change and assign a name for the pool.
- A color can be a color name, a six digit rgb in hex -> #ABCDEF or a three digit rgb in hex #ABC.
- If you have pools that use the same dice sizes, but you don’t want/need to color the dice, you just need to split the pool in the Roll button or roll command. /roll 8d20 +1d20 will show the total of 8 & 1 d20s, but ALSO the separate rolls for 8 & 1 d20’s in separate lines.
- [Mobile] Universal Links on Mobile, allowing for an uninterrupted experience and easier mobile onboarding flow.
- [Dice - Improvement] Fixed bug where 3d rolls would not always be correctly mapped to roll formula.
- [Dice - Improvement] Improved complex roll announcements.
- [Notes - Feature] Images now stack in a row in Notes
- [Tokens - Feature] Label option added to Tokens
- [Tokens - Feature] Pull token from character sheet avatar
- [Dice - Feature] Denote color of dice in chat and roll buttons
- [Dice - Feature] Dice groups in Roll Announcements are also now shown as separate lines and can be named separately