Mar 7, 2022
Display thy name!

The room feels stuffy, but a light is shining in from the window...
Happy Monday, everyone.
We’ve been hard at work squashing bugs and enhancing the experience of Quest Portal. We’ve got some exciting new features in the works, but until we can release them, we have some improvements and fixes for you:
💎 Improvements
- We switched all players to using Display Names instead of Usernames within the app. More expressive and fun! Change your Display Name in Account Settings.
- Players can now easily go back to their campaigns after creating characters. A big purple button does the trick.
- Players can hover over the character avatar on their character sheets to get the option to edit the character info and visuals in the Character Creator.
- We improved the way the top bar scales and cleaned it up a bit.
- We made a bunch of usability improvements to the Notes feature. Most notably: Players now get a warning when moving notes between private and campaign. Same when deleting a note. Players can now open a parent note without selecting it.
- Players can now right-click some buttons and links to open them in new tabs. Try it with campaigns in the Navigation bar.
- We added campaign thumbnails to the character cards in the character overview.
- We improved loading states and removed loading flashes that could appear between views.
🐞 Fixes
- We fixed a lot of bugs in Notes. It’s much better now!
- Fixed an issue where a campaign sometimes disappeared from the navigation bar if a character was removed.
- We fixed an issue where some players were sometimes unable to delete characters.
- Fixed some visual bugs on Safari.
- Fixed an issue where some Keeper cards got duplicated in Campaign Lobby.
- We fixed some typos. Those are important too.
- A number of smaller fixes should make your experience better.