Jan 17, 2023
Incoming Updates and Improvements

A luminous mist envelops a quiet fantasy village at dusk. Lights can be seen glowing, offering warmth against the otherwise cold scene.
Greetings adventurers! This week we have made many mighty improvements across the browser and (new!) mobile version of the app.
🐞 Fixes
- Music. Now longer song titles will no longer break stuff.
- Characters. We gave our tagline a potion of lengthening, so now your character's inner thoughts won't be cut short.
- Characters. Leave campaigns from the character screen without any pesky error notifications.
- Avatars. Our cropping and resizing tool now behaves when uploading avatars.
- Mobile Chat. Our loading states have been cured.
💎 Improvements
- Mobile Chat. We imbued the chat with a header, a quick scroll-to-bottom button, an enchanted spinner, and added a long tap to copy on messages.
- Mobile Campaigns. Now you can enjoy your default campaign image at the top.