Jan 24, 2022
New account settings

Account settings.
Signed up with a temporary profile photo that you have been eager to update? Fear not - Account settings are live! You can now upload your newest selfie, change your username and pick out a newly added display name - all accessible from the profile menu in the top right corner of the app.
💎 Improvements
- Avatars are now bigger and nicer looking.
- Multiple improvements to the Session Top Bar.
- We found a memory leak in sessions and plugged it.
- We went on Safari and fixed a few bugs related to Avatars on Safari.
- A couple of fixes for selecting Characters.
- Fixed the carousel arrows on the Home screen.
- Creating a campaign while in used to end the session. It no longer does.
- Opening changelog notes is now easier as we no longer move the "see more" link to a random place.