Jan 10, 2023
Quest Portal is now available in the Apple App Store

Well, would you lookie here...You can now view your characters in your campaign on the go! Happy
Happy New Year!
We are thrilled to announce that Quest Portal is now available to download in the Apple App store. Our mobile app places your epic adventures straight into the palm of your hand and helps you stay connected with your group wherever you are.
With chat as the main focus of this first version, you can message your group to ensure everyone is ready for tonight’s game and perhaps even roll some stealth checks during downtime. 😏
We intentionally kept our first version of the app minimal to quickly get it into your hands. We’ll be polishing the experience and adding the sessions next.
✨ New
- Mobile App. Quest Portal is now available in the Apple App Store. Download here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quest-portal/id1588540503. We’re still doing internal testing on the Android app; we hope to make it available in the Google Play Store soon. 🤘
- Mobile Campaigns. View your campaigns and members on the go.
- Mobile Chat. Chat with fellow adventurers, share handouts, GIFs, and coordinate your next session.
- Mobile Text Rolls. Roll dice from the chat by typing things like /roll d20 or /r 4d6kh
💎 Improvements
- Avatars. Added a category for “Modern” looking avatars.
- Dice. You can now edit and duplicate your dice formulas.
🐞 Fixes
- Dice. Fixed an issue that made it tricky to change the type of dice in formulas.
- Avatars. Fixed the scrollbar for saving avatars.
- Dice. The dice roll announcement card now shows a comma between rolls if we’re not adding them up.