Oct 14, 2024

Stop Being A Square!

Polygon Fog of War

Polygon Fog of War out now!

Hello Questers!

The fog swirls around your feet as you pound the cobblestone streets. It quickly rises and you can feel its cold wet tendrils clawing at your skirts and trousers. Your companion races ahead, cocking their gun, ready for the threat in the fog. A voice from above shouts. Looking up, you see the silhouette of a person against the moon, waving their hands in irregular shapes and the fog clears. A door in the clearing opens. “Inside, now!” What do you do?

POLYGON FOG TOOL! No longer are we squares, but we’re polygons now! Create, and clear, fog for your players in shapes other than a square with our new polygon fog tool. But don’t worry, the square tool still exists. Go check out Gummi’s fantastic tutorial video here: https://youtu.be/nntdEXP64H4

We also got great additions to the library this week. DH Cross’ Plyphyny System added the Eldritch 2nd Edition Free Handbook (Players Handbook), whilst Samuel C. Oliveira added both the English and Portuguese versions of Action Dice RPG!

Keep an eye out on www.questportal.com/blog on Wednesday for returning writer Thorsteinn on Creating Characters in D&D. As always, Thorsteinn has a great way of taking you on a journey, as he takes you through the art of crafting a fantastic character to play.

In other news, our Chat with Us support feature is going through some upgrades. We’re adding the documentation for Quest Portal to the feature so that you’re more easily able to find answers to your questions. In addition, many of you know that our entire support team are in Iceland, which means we’re not always awake when you need help. For that, we added Fin (I’m sad we didn’t call him Lord Support Alot), an AI Agent that should be able to help when we’re asleep. But never fear, Gummi, Gunnar and I are still your support team when we’re awake and Agent Fin needs a human touch.

And that’s it this week Questers. Have fun with the new fog of war update and enjoy reading the new library content!
